4117 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH 44135

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Open Monday – Sunday 8am–1am

Introducing the Catio and Other Awesome Activities for Cats

Winter is…well, it’s far from over yet, but one thing we know for sure is that spring is on the horizon. After a long, cold season indoors, you and your furry companion may be feeling a little stir-crazy and no doubt may be looking for some new activities to inspire exercise.

As the team at West Park Animal Hospital has mentioned in previous blogs, cats require a lot of enrichment to keep them mentally and physically healthy. Indoor cats especially are at risk of becoming overweight without some activities to keep them moving. You, too, may need some help in this department, which is why we’ve gathered some fun ideas of activities for cats and their owners.


Catio: The Ultimate Feline Playground

You may have heard about this trendy new craze in kitty-cat design, but what is a catio? Basically, it’s a patio for cats. It can be made out of anything from a converted dog kennel to an elaborate, screened-in addition to your home. The objective is to create a safe outdoor space for your otherwise indoor cat.

Because indoor cats often lack appropriate stimuli, a catio can be a great way for them to watch birds, get some fresh air, and stalk, lounge, jump, and stretch. Check out some of these cool catio designs:

While it’s still too cold to spend much time outdoors, winter is the perfect time to sketch out your design and stock up on materials (hint, hint!).

Leaps and Bounds

Not ready for a catio? Every animal needs some form of exercise to keep them at the right weight and in good health. Some of these games for cats can really get the heart pumping and amp up the fun:

Other staples include a variety of feather toys and a laser pointer (you can’t go wrong with this!). Adding some catnip to your pet’s morning routine can also help them achieve those exercise goals.

Inspired Activities for Cats and Their Humans

Have the doldrums of the season gotten you into a rut with your daily cat care? Fear not! Aside from new exercise ideas for your cat-kid, taking a discerning look at other habits can also go a long way to achieving better health and wellbeing.

Have you been meaning to discuss something with your veterinarian? Looking to overhaul your cat’s nutrition? Have you decided to take up leash training? There are so many ways you can up your cat’s game by being an active participant in their health. It may even inspire you to make some changes of your own!

To schedule a wellness exam or for more ideas about activities for cats, the whisker-loving team at West Park is here for you. Please give us a call!

The post Introducing the Catio and Other Awesome Activities for Cats appeared first on West Park Animal Hospital Blog.