4117 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH 44135

(216) 252-4500(216) 252-4500

Open Monday – Sunday 8am–1am

Fish are Jumpin’, Cotton is High: It’s Time for Summer Pet Safety

The sheer number of activities during the summer is astounding. Your calendar is brimming with play dates, outdoor adventures, and BBQ’s. Chances are, your pet rushes into this busy schedule with delight, which is why our staff has compiled the following summer pet safety tips and tricks.

Some Basics

Before the heat and humidity hits our fair city, we recommend scheduling your pet’s wellness visit. This proactive approach ensures your pet’s parasite preventives and vaccinations are up to date. A routine check can also reveal problems, such as arthritis, that could become worse if your pet joins you outdoors this summer.

Other Fundamentals

When we go outside, we slather ourselves with liberal amounts of sunblock and insect repellent. It’s not a stretch to assume the same products are effective for pets. However, it’s critical to know which products are considered safe for use on animals. If you ever have any doubt, please contact us.  

A Priority for Summer Pet Safety

A pet left alone in a parked car on a hot summer day can quickly become an emergency situation. The dangers of heatstroke are very real, and keeping your pet cool at all times is a major tenet of summer pet safety.

A Word on Dangerous Plants

Frolicking may very well be your pet’s favorite summer pastime. While this is wonderful to witness and enjoy, exercising caution is another technique of summer pet safety.

Not only can shrubbery or tall grass harbor ticks, your pet could also brush past poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac while on a summer jaunt. This may not present any real danger to your pet, but urushiol oil from these plants could rub off your pet’s coat and onto your furniture or bedding. This leaves you and your family at risk of developing very itchy rashes.

Similarly, foxtails can be extremely dangerous to a curious pet. Mostly found in western states, these sharp, spiky grasses can become stuck in a pet’s nose, mouth, ears, or eyes. Foxtails can also burrow and move further into the body.

Before You Go

Once your pet receives a clean bill of health (and is properly protected against parasites), you may want to get busy with a serious exercise regimen. If your pet isn’t used to intense levels of exertion, we recommend gradually easing into a regular routine.

With these summer pet safety tips in mind, West Park Animal Hospital hopes you and your pet have a happy and healthy summer. As always,please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

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