4117 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH 44135

(216) 252-4500(216) 252-4500

Open Monday – Sunday 8am–1am

The Best Policy: Why Honesty at the Vet is Important

As responsible pet owners, we are happy to give our pets everything they need to live happy, healthy lives: nutritious food, shelter, love and affection, training and boundaries, and of course, quality veterinary care.

Regardless of how much we treasure our pets and how well we care for them, many of us are guilty of telling the occasional “white lie” to our veterinarian. Maybe we have forgotten the last few months of heartworm medication, but we fib and say we gave these doses. Or, perhaps we claim not to know why Fido put on a few pounds, when the truth is that we have been too busy to walk him lately.

The fact is, honesty at the vet is crucially important for your pet’s health and well-being. Our pets rely on us to help them get the care they need, and this often means letting your family veterinarian in on all the aspects of your pet’s care.

What Hinders Honesty at the Vet?

There are a few common reasons why pet owners may be a little less than truthful with the veterinarian, including:

  • Embarrassment
  • Concern over finances
  • Lack of knowledge of the pet’s history
  • Concern over the legalities of the situation
  • An uncooperative pet

While we understand that you have a good reason for withholding certain details about your pet’s care, we want you to know that we are on your side. Our job is not to judge you, it’s to advocate for and provide top quality care for your pet. That is best done when we have as much information as possible.

Truthfulness Helps You and Your Pet

Providing us with all of the details surrounding your pet’s condition will help us to keep your pet’s treatment:

  • Cost-effective – Withholding information may actually lead to unnecessary tests and treatments that could be avoided if we had full knowledge of your pet’s history.
  • Efficient – Without knowing the full story, we may not be able to give your pet the treatment he or she needs in a timely manner. This can lead to decreased effectiveness of the treatment, or it can mean you and your pet may run out of options altogether.
  • Comfortable – Additional testing and procedures, as well as delayed treatment, can mean discomfort for your pet.

We understand that finances can be a concern when it comes to veterinary care. As long as we have all the details, we are often able to help come up with a solution that works for everyone.

We’re Here for You

At West Park Animal Hospital, we value all of our clients and patients and deeply appreciate the meaning and importance pets bring to our lives. Please call us if you have any questions or concerns.

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