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Love is in the Air: Reasons to Love a Pet Lover

Relationships can be tricky, but there are some things that a worth looking for in a partner that could make them more rewarding. Obviously, you want someone with whom you share common interests and values, and someone who treats you well. You might want to add being an animal person to that list, though.

At West Park Animal Hospital, we already know that four-legged friends are the best, but check out why it’s so rewarding to love a pet lover.

Pets are Powerful

Chances are, if you are reading this, you have one or more pets in your life. By seeking to love a pet lover, you automatically are looking for a soulmate who has something in common with you. Animals can be the tie that binds, especially in a new, blossoming relationship.

Talking about your pets can be a great icebreaker and make awkward interactions less so. Trading crazy cat stories, taking your dogs on a walk, cuddling on the couch, or saying hello at the puppy playground can be a great way to make a connection with someone new.

Animals often have an innate and amazing sense of people. While you may not want to discount a potential mate if your cat snubs him or her, you might not want to overlook his or her opinion, either.

Reasons to Love a Pet Lover

Besides the fact that having pets often bring people together, there are some other powerful characteristics that animal people often possess. Personality traits of those who appreciate our furry friends make it even more compelling to love a pet lover. Consider:

  • Pet people are used to anticipating others’ needs rather than making them ask
  • Animal lovers aren’t grossed out easily and know life can be messy
  • It is easy to be around a pet lover, as they don’t expect perfection and know unconditional love
  • If you love a pet lover, you know that pet people are good at taking care of others
  • Animal people tend to have a more starry-eyed vision of love
  • Pet parents know what commitment is and are typically loyal
  • People who love animals are often good parents, should they choose to have children
  • Most pet owners have learned the power of positivity from their animal friends

Animal lovers tend to be kind, compassionate, and responsible people, making the potential for a great relationship attractive. While there are plenty of people in this world who don’t have pets who are worthwhile, if you choose to love a pet lover you are almost certain to find yourself with a good person.

The post Love is in the Air: Reasons to Love a Pet Lover appeared first on West Park Animal Hospital Blog.