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They Call it Puppy Love: Your Dog and Your New Partner

your dog and your new partnerWith Valentine’s Day on the horizon, love is in the air, and many of our readers may find themselves in a new relationship. For some pet owners, introducing your dog and your new partner may be dicey; for others, it goes surprisingly well (I mean, who wouldn’t love your dog?).

While your new partner may be a pet owner or an animal lover, introductions may need some finessing, especially in a new home. Even the most chill dog can get a little possessive or unruly when they’re introduced to another home with new sights, smells, and experiences.

The team at West Park Animal Hospital is happy to play Cupid by giving you some pointers on how to successfully take your pet to your new significant other’s home — without all the drama (we hope!).

5 Tips for Successfully Taking Your Dog to Your Partner’s Home

  1. Establish the rules. Sit down with your partner and discuss the rules of his or her house. At your place, it may be fine to let pets on the sofa, but not everyone welcomes this. Ask about the rules regarding furniture and places that are off-limits. Also do a thorough sweep of the place, eliminating any possible toxic plants, substances, and other items that could be of interest to your dog.
  2. Keep it simple at first. Instead of an overnight stay, introduce your pet to your partner’s new home for a quick playdate. Keep the experience friendly, upbeat, and focused on a game in the backyard or a meal together. Allow your pet to explore while on a leash and walk with them throughout areas of the home that are pet-friendly.
  3. Supervise and recognize. It might be tempting to pay total attention to your new significant other, but while you’re doing that, your pup may be doing something else…like getting into the trash or peeing on the curtains. Keep close watch over your dog and note any sort of issues that may arise, like resource guarding over you, food, or other items.
  4. Stay consistent. Just like you do in your own home, dogs rely on consistency in schedule, routine, and rules, so stick as closely as possible to your daily routine. If your pet isn’t normally allowed on the couch or the bed, stay firm. Helping your pet understand the expectations in a new home and rewarding good behavior can go a long way to successful sleepovers.
  5. Compromise. Compromise is the key to any relationship and that extends to how your partner interacts with your pet. Not everyone will have the same rules about dogs in the home, but it’s important that your best friend also feels safe and welcome. Don’t forget to pay attention to your pet and do activities together, like take a walk with you, your dog, and your new partner.

Your Dog and Your New Partner: Trouble in Paradise?

Sometimes, a compromise between your dog and your new partner cannot be reached without some help from the professionals. If your dog is displaying aggression or anxiety, please call us so we can help resolve the problem. It may require some adjustments and possible behavioral training, but with a little effort and patience, love conquers all!

The post They Call it Puppy Love: Your Dog and Your New Partner appeared first on West Park Animal Hospital Blog.