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Move over 2016: Pet Owner Resolutions for a Healthy New Year

We just spent an entire month making lists and crossing off our accomplishments (pat yourself on the back). But, now that we’re rounding the final corner toward the new year, it’s time for another list: pet owner resolutions.

For your pet, his or her resolutions could certainly include things like eating slower, staying off your favorite pieces of furniture, or letting go of questionable behaviors. However, for you, we offer some ideas geared toward pet total wellness in the new year. Let’s reflect and get inspired and motivated for 2017!

Sharing Is Caring

Pet owner resolutions are more attainable when you have support. That’s why we’re here! Please allow us to help you make the right changes for your pet. With that said, we recommend considering whether any of these healthful ideas may positively impact your pet.

  • Nutrition – Many pet owner resolutions include some concerns about a pet’s weight. Addressing nutritional needs is a great place to start, but changing your pet’s diet should never be done overnight. Measured portions, fewer treats, and no table food can all go a long way toward trimming the silhouette.
  • Activities – Of course, exercise is good for everyone and not just for an overweight pet. However, the fact remains that to lose weight your pet must get moving. Provided your pet is up for it, plan your days with at least 30 minutes of physical activity for him or her.
  • Sink your teeth in – Pet dental health may seem like something you can ignore, but keeping up a weekly routine of brushing at home can actually save your pet from gum disease and systemic illness. Group this with grooming and your pet will eventually adapt to your efforts. Reward with a good snuggle or extra time at the park.
  • Community – Pet owners represent a group of animal advocates like no other. Get involved (with or without your pet) to help animals in need. It will enable you to meet others who care deeply about pets in your community, which can even deepen the bond you have at home with your pet.
  • New customs – It’s very common for pet owners to surrender yearly or biannual veterinary exams if there are no worrisome or obvious symptoms. Pet diseases can be very sneaky, though, becoming too difficult to treat if left alone. Also, it’s always important to update vaccinations, parasite prevention, and other facets of overall wellness.

Pet Owner Resolutions to Believe In

While it’s easy to make to-do lists, it can be challenging to stick to resolutions. Hopefully, our list of pet owner resolutions proves to be as uncomplicated and manageable as possible.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need help acquiring the best pet health in 2017. Cheers!

The post Move over 2016: Pet Owner Resolutions for a Healthy New Year appeared first on West Park Animal Hospital Blog.