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And the Winner Is… Our Most Popular Blogs of 2016

Whew! After all of the gift-wrapping, feasting, and driving of the holiday season, it’s time for most of us to kick back and relax. And what better way to relax than to grab a favorite cozy blanket and a fur friend, and dive into some great reading…like our blog!

The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect on all we have to be thankful for and all of the improvements we can make to create an even better new year. As a pet owner, you may have included your pet in your New Year’s resolutions, and by reading our pet health and wellness blogs, we aim to help you achieve your goals.

To start your year off in a pet-friendly way, here are our 10 most popular blogs of 2016.

West Park’s 10 Most Popular Blogs of 2016

  1. THOSE ADORABLE, ADOPTABLE DOGS! October is the American Humane Association’s Adopt-a-Dog Month, and your friends and West Park Animal Hospital want to thank all of the wonderful pet parents who have provided homes for pound puppies and other shelter pets over the years. Read More…
  2. GIFTS THAT GIVE BACK – HOW YOU CAN HELP ANIMALS IN NEED If you are like most of us, this time of the year can be a source of stress. There’s so much traffic, limited parking at stores, growing credit card debt, and scheduling conflicts that can muddle our intentions of gratitude and love. However, after you take a much-needed deep breath, notice that the inherent seasonal joy can be magnified if the gifts you give are coming from your heart. Indeed, the true spirit of the holidays will shine when you give back to those in need. Read More…
  3. THE CURRENT SCOOP ON CANINE KENNEL COUGH With the recent outbreak of canine kennel cough and canine influenza occurring in the Chicago area, the media is all abuzz with talk about these diseases. Many pet owners want to know what the word is on canine kennel cough and whether they should be worried. Read More…
  4. PARASITE PREVENTATIVES: PROTECTING YOUR PET FROM FLEAS, TICKS, AND HEARTWORM Protecting your pet from fleas, ticks, and heartworm is an important part of being a pet owner. Not only can these parasites be a nuisance to your pet (and you), but they also pose a serious threat to your pet’s health. Read More…
  5. FUN IN THE SUN: SUNSCREEN AND BUG SPRAY FOR PETS Pets who enjoy the outdoors during the summer months are prone to some of the same nuisances as their human counterparts are. Sunburn and bug bites are no fun for anyone, two legged or four.  Learn what pet owners need to know about sunscreen and bug spray for pets. Read More…
  6. WHY DOES MY CAT DO THAT? UNLOCKING STRANGE CAT BEHAVIORS From following you into the bathroom when a private moment is due, to furious tail-twitching, your cat’s antics may leave you puzzled – if not endlessly amused. You’re a major fan of your cat and love him or her in spite (or because) of all the odd things he or she gets away with. Your frisky feline might even argue that all personal motivations and actions are purr-fectly logical, even if, to you, they are anything but. Read More…
  7. LOST AND FOUND PETS: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR PET IS MISSING Those of us who care for a pet find the idea of him or her becoming lost terrifying. Yet, each year, the greater Cleveland area sees thousands of lost pets on the streets and in shelters.  And, while some of these missing pets find their way back to their families; many pets remain unclaimed due to lack of identification tags or a microchip. Read More…
  8. LOST AND FOUND PETS: WHAT TO DO WITH A FOUND PET At some point or another it’s likely that you will play the role of the Good Samaritan who comes across a scared cat under a porch or rescues a confused and frightened dog from a street or alley. Once we address the emergency at hand – that is, ensuring the pet is kept safe from immediate danger – we then find ourselves in the position to ask, “Now what?” Read More…
  9. CORNEAL ULCERS IN PETS: A COMMON CONDITION Perhaps the most frequent eye problem that we see in our pet patients is the corneal ulcer. Pets with this problem often squint the eye, have tearing, or maybe even redness and swelling. These eye ulcers can be extremely painful and vary in severity from no big deal to an emergency situation. Read More…
  10. WALKING THE DOG! CELEBRATING NATIONAL WALK YOUR DOG MONTH The middle of winter may seem like strange timing to honor the importance of getting outside to walk your pet, especially here in Ohio. Temperatures in January don’t often inch far above freezing, and pets and their owners struggle to cope with cabin fever. Indeed, who really wants to get all bundled up right now to traipse through ice and snow? Read More…

Helping improve the lives of all companion animals is our goal all year, every year. To assist pet owners in improving the quality of life for their pets is a part of this, and we look forward to continuing to provide informative blogs and other pet care resources in the coming year.

Thank you for being a part of the West Park Animal Hospital family. We hope to see you and your cherished pet soon, and are here for you should you have any questions.

Happy New Year!

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