Why Your Pet is Scared of the Vacuum Cleaner and What You Can Do About It
Few modern housekeeping tools are as highly valued as the vacuum cleaner, especially for pet owners dealing with fur on the carpet, floors, and furniture. However, when a pet runs in fear, barks, hides, or quivers when the trusty vacuum is pulled out, it can be upsetting, to say the least. Having a pet who’s […]

Big Life Change: Moving Your Cat to a New Home
Relocating is a major life change. Whether you’re moving across town or to another state, packing, loading up, and getting acclimated to a different neighborhood takes time – and it takes a serious toll on a cat’s attachment to territory and routine. It’s overwhelming, certainly, but moving your cat will hopefully be easier with our […]

Is Pet Hair Taking Over Your Life? We Can Help!
Ever since pets moved from living strictly outdoors to occupying our homes, animal lovers have been grappling with pet hair on our clothes, couches, beds, and pretty much everywhere. Depending on a pet’s shedding habits, this can be a serious nuisance. But short of shaving him or her (which won’t cut down on the hair […]

Potty Mouth: Why do Pets Drink From the Toilet?
Toilets and pets are never a combo you want to encounter; however, seeing a pet take a sip of toilet water is a common scene. Drinking from the toilet seems like a pretty disgusting way to stay hydrated – particularly when you offer your pet multiple bowls of fresh water around the home. So, what’s […]

Pet Immunization: How Vaccines Lead to Health and Longevity
From the most recent outbreaks of canine influenza to the ongoing perils of parvovirus, infectious diseases among pets is something that won’t ever go away. Like us, pets are susceptible to an array of illnesses that can place other animals and people at risk when not controlled and treated. In observance of National Pet Immunization [...]READ MORE

On the Road Again? Bring Your Pet to See the Veterinarian Before Traveling
According to a study by AAA and Best Western International, more than 50% of U.S. pet owners bring their pets along when they travel. And who can blame them? Our pets are part of our families, and it’s hard to imagine leaving them behind while we are off having adventures. To help your trip go […]

Pass the Greens! Why Some Dogs Eat Grass
It’s not uncommon to see a dog munching on something we wouldn’t necessarily qualify as “food.” Dogs, after all, are the experimental gourmets, willing to ingest all sorts of things. Unfortunately, this makes them prone to poisoning when we aren’t paying attention. Among the least noxious of these “entrees” is grass. Countless dog owners have […]

Healthy Lawn, Healthy Pet: When Dog Urine Leaves Brown Spots in the Yard
For many, there’s nothing as nice as a lush, healthy lawn – and that can entail a lot of work! So naturally, dog lovers may struggle when they step out on the deck to see, sigh, another ugly brown spot where Fido has been “going.” There’s much debate about why dog urine leaves brown spots […]

Pets and Divorce in the New World
According to recent statistics, over 30% of U.S. households include a cat and more than 37% include a dog. In many of these homes, the pet is considered an important member of the family, but with a 50% divorce rate in the United States, the issue of “who gets the pet” is bound to come […]

Easy as 1-2-3: Paying Attention to Summer Cat Care
With the exception of, say, a Sphynx breed, cats are built to withstand frosty temperatures. In fact, their warm coats are fairly enviable in January when the windchill cuts right through our own wool coats. The flipside of having a warm, cozy, insulating coat is that, during the summer, the heat can go from slightly […]