Fall Fun For Your Pet
We love the autumn season. Cooler weather, beautiful fall foliage, apples, pumpkins and Halloween. What’s not to love? This year, why not include your pet in many of the festive fall activities you yourself love to do. It’s a matter of getting creative and thinking outside the box, and at West Park Animal Hospital, we’re […]

Can Clicker Training Change Your Dog’s Life? Quite Simply, Yes.
Dogs usually know when they’ve done something wrong, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could convey to them exactly when they’ve done something right? With clicker training, your dog has a chance to learn the right ways to do things because you tell them. With the unique sound of a handheld clicker, there’s no […]

Xylitol and Pets: Reminders of a Not-so-Sweet Reality
With its claims of weight loss and improved health, the low-carb craze has everyone from teenagers to grandparents giving it a go. Because “low-carb” usually equates to “low-sugar,” sugar substitutes such as aspartame, erythritol, stevia, and xylitol seem to be in practically everything these days. Meeting your health goals while still keeping your pet safe […]

National Deaf Dog Awareness Week
Dogs, like people, can be born deaf or experience varying degrees of hearing loss during their lifetimes. While this means that they require (and depend on) certain special arrangements to be made on their behalf, a deaf dog does not necessarily suffer a diminished quality of life. In fact, they can not only live a […]

Subtle (and Not so Subtle) Signs of Animal Abuse
Animal lovers everywhere are understandably outraged by stories and photographs of abused or neglected animals. For loving pet owners, it’s inconceivable to think of harming an animal, but signs of abuse and neglect can be subtle; it could be happening right under our very noses. That’s why we want to take a moment to review […]

What to do if a Service Dog Approaches You Without Their Owner
Nowadays, most people know general guidelines when it comes to service dog etiquette. Refraining from petting a service dog while they’re working is an important rule, along with knowing that legitimate service dogs are allowed to accompany their owners nearly everywhere. However, one topic that’s rarely discussed is the very real possibility that one of […]

Pot and Pets: Never a Good Idea
Despite past setbacks, advocates of marijuana legalization in Ohio are moving toward a new initiative that would allow adults 21 years and older to grow, transport, possess, use, sell, purchase, and share marijuana and its numerous derivatives. Like residents in other states with similar laws, questions about pet safety will undoubtedly become more prevalent in […]

The Benefits of Growing Catnip in Your Garden
Our cats are such wonderful and amazing creatures, and many of us want to give them a special treat now and then. If you haven’t already thought of it, why not grow some catnip in your garden or your catio? Most of us have heard of the euphoric effects of catnip on cats, and may […]

Splish, Splash, Safe: Dog Water Safety 101
Summer may be halfway over, but that doesn’t mean we’re packing up the sunscreen or covering the grill just yet. Spending the day at the lake or pool is still on the agenda for many families, and bringing a water-loving dog along adds another layer of fun. Even if your dog is a true beach […]

Heatstroke in Pets: Prevent, Recognize, and Intervene Immediately
The risks of heatstroke in pets are very real. Symptoms don’t always stem from over-exertion on a hot day. Instead, the prime culprit is usually plain and simple dehydration. Pets sweat a little bit through their noses and paw pads, but in an attempt to regulate internal body temperature, they pant. If access to shade […]